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The Controversy Over Eliminating the Filibuster Makes a Joke of Democracy
Political observers seem to be on tenterhooks watching the drama around the senate filibuster unfold.
Will the Democrats exercise the “nuclear option” and jettison the filibuster rule altogether?
Will they institute reforms, or carve outs, to enable the Senate Democrats to pass certain kinds of legislation, such as the For the People Act designed to counteract the flood of voter suppression legislation around nation, with only 51 votes, a simple majority?
Senators Joe Manchin (D-West Virginia) and Krysten Sinema (D-Arizona) hold democracy and the Democrats hostage with their dithering over the need for compromise with a Republican party that has shown no hint of a willingness to compromise with Democrats and, as we saw during Barack Obama’s presidency, has historically practiced an overt strategy of obstruction.
That no Republican voted for the American Rescue Plan Act in either the House or Senate might, you would think, give hold-outs like Manchin and Synema some idea that Republicans have no interest in either democracy or representing their constituents, who overwhelmingly supported the relief bill.
Oh, but wait, Manchin and Synema seem to be budging slightly and are perhaps now amenable to some reform of the…